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更新時間:2024-03-14 02:56:47 高考知識網 sport555.cn


現在越來越多的人成為低頭族(People who can’t help checking their phones all day are known as phubbers. Phubbing trends to involve not only the young people, but also the elderly.),如何引導低頭族抬頭?你們班在英語課上舉行了以“拒為低頭族”為主題的演講。假設你是學生李華,請你寫一篇100詞左右的演講稿。



1. 你周圍有低頭族嗎?他們成為“低頭族”的原因。

2. 成為“低頭族”給學習和生活帶來的影響。


Good morning, everyone!

Nowadays, we can see many people are watching their mobile phones in subway, restaurants, elevators, roads and so on. There is no denying that people who like the mobile phone are concerned about its attractive functions. Phubbers can’t stop sending messages, surfing the Internet, listening to music and even taking photos by using the mobile phone. Moreover, some people have less time to relax themselves. They make use of the time when they are on the way to school or other places to play mobile games.

However, phubbing disturbs not only our study but also our life. On the one hand, phubbers waste lots of time playing cell phone games and sending messages, particularly in class. Other people also complain they are disturbed when phones ring in classrooms. On the other hand, it can lead to health problems. For instance, using a mobile phone on the sofa can cause back and neck pain.

As far as I am concerned, it is high time that we threw away the mobile phone and raised our heads up. Do cherish everything around us and apPciate the scenery ahead of us. What’s more, we should do more exercises and take part in real-life activities. In a word, only when we use the mobile phone reasonably, can we realize the happiness of ’s all. Thank you!


假如你是李華,你的美國筆友David準備組織一個“走進中國(Approach to China”的活動,他寫信請你幫忙策劃一下活動內容并介紹一下有中國特色的元素,以便讓他的同學更好地了解中國。請你用英文寫一封回信。


1. 100字左右;

2. 需包括至少xxx元素,可適當增減細節。

參考詞匯:一帶一路倡議 One Belt and One Road Initiative;吉祥物 mascot

Dear David,

I’m glad to know that you are launching a campaign “Approach to China” aiming to introduce your peers to a thriving China and be of some help.

From my perspective, the activities may range from Chinese calligraphy competition to paper cutting, martial arts, apPciation of Beijing Opera and so on. As for Chinese elements, the Great Wall with a long history symbolizes the national fighting spirits while high-speed railway rePsenting the cutting-edge technology takes the lead in the world. China’s booming economy is marked with mobile payment and One Belt and One Road Initiative.

By the way, mascots like pandas and Monkey King will enjoy great popularity among participants.

Wish your campaign a success.


Li Hua


假定你是學生會主席李華。一個英國中學生代表團要來你校作戲劇方面的交流。請你寫一篇歡迎詞,內容包括:1. 表示歡迎;2. 主要活動安排;3. 你的良好祝愿。

參考詞匯:學生會:the Students’ Union。

Dear friends,

You are warmly welcome to our school for drama culture exchange.

I’m Li Hua, chairman of the Students’ Union of our school. On behalf of the Students’ Union, I am pleased to inform you of the main activities you and we will attend together in the coming days. Firstly, we’d like to invite you to the school drama club, where you can have a deeper understanding of Chinese drama. Secondly, you will enjoy Beijing Opera and other traditional Chinese programs given by our club members. Thirdly, we sincerely invite you to perform some British plays, which I’m sure will be a drama feast for our teachers and students.

Wish you a pleasant stay here! Thanks!